How to become a successful Amazon seller

You have read all the articles, viewed all the YouTube videos and browsed pages and forums pages. Now all that remains is to take action, DO IT and become an Amazon expert! You have invested so many hours of research, much of your hard earned money and you are nervous. I get it. We have all been there! Here we will see the logical sequence to be a successful seller:

STEP 1: Create an Amazon Seller account

If you have not already done so, you must register to sell at Amazon by completing the registration process for the Amazon expert account. This only takes a few minutes, as long as you have all the necessary information at hand. Then, before sitting down at your computer, with the intention of leaving, make sure you have the following information at hand:

  1. Commercial email account: must be created BEFORE the registration process begins, as Amazon will begin to send you emails immediately after the creation of the account. Therefore, make sure that the email address of your company or business is up and running before committing to complete your data.
  2. Company details: In addition to a commercial email address, you will also need your company’s details, such as address, name and contact information.
  3. Bank details: You will need a credit card to cover the costs of the Amazon subscription (if you choose the Pro account, which is recommended!) Or the advertising costs. You will also need the bank details of the account in which you would like Amazon to deposit your funds.
  4. Phone number: Amazon will contact you during the registration process, so make sure your phone is charged, loud and at your fingertips.
  5. Tax information – Make sure you have it ready to review it. This will include your social security number or the company’s federal tax identification number and state tax identification information.

STEP 2 – Find the best product to sell on Amazon

I suppose it is possible that you already have a stellar product ready to sell, finding the right product does not happen overnight. It takes time and patience, but it’s worth it once you find it. Look for high demand and low competition It all comes down to finding that product of HIGH DEMAND and LOW COMPETITION.STEP 3: Find your provider

Now you need to find someone to sell or manufacture it and send it to Amazon’s wineries

Prepare to contact suppliers

Prepare your questions and a template ready to send to potential suppliers. Make a long and hard reflection on the questions that are important to you and your business. Next, create a template for an email that you can send to some companies you have found. This will make it easier to assess who you want to go to the next step with when you respond, as you can
compare your answers and see who was useful, not useful, and who made that
extra effort.

Step 4: Market your Product

Create a listing of your Product
The first step in this process is to create the list in Seller Central It is very important that you devote time to perfect and really optimize your listing, to make sure you convert as many views into sales as possible.

Consider your best keywords
Adding the right keywords to your title, description and bullets is the first thing you should do. This will ensure that your product appears in the most popular searches, whether short or long tail keywords.

Get great photos
The photography of your product will also play an important role in the sale of your product. We humans are visual creatures. We like beautiful things. Therefore, make your product visually attractive and really sell it using a good product photo.

Test everything
Finally, be open to try and execute promotions in your listing. Doing this is a sure way to start your BSR rating.

STEP 5: Take care of your Business

First, launching your first product will be the hardest, so do not be discouraged if you experience some setbacks along the way. This is your first time, you are learning. Do not give up on it. Any error or failure will be avoided next time.

STEP 6: Scale and Optimize

Once you have everything ready and your product is selling well and you have taken care of everything, then you probably only need a few hours a week to operate a single product business. So, as I said before, you can expand to an online store, sell multiple products or have multiple online stores, you can sell that same product in your own Shopify Online Store, or you can also sell it through Amazon Global worldwide, Or you can also think about launching complementary products within the same market.

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